Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Construction of the Catholic Church in Treherne began in the summer of 1894, by the parishioners.
On December 16, 1894 the Vicar General of the diocese, the Rev. Father Allard, consecrated the church.
In March 1959 the ladies of the parish became a council in the international organization know as the "Catholic Women’s League".
The church was destroyed by fire December 23, 1965. A new building was erected on the same site and opened February 2, 1967, consecrated October 8, 1967.
St. Mark's Anglican Church
The first record kept by St. Marks Anglican Church was that of the baptism of Reta Smith born St. Mark's Anglican November 17, 1890, daughter of Henry Smith, the mother's maiden name was Alice Parker.
The first marriage was of Olive Fennel of Carberry and Henry Edger Martin on October 5, 1893.
The first recorded death was Jane Halliday on December 5, 1893 at forty years. Many of the early deaths where babies.
The first Church was consecrated in 1896 and reconstructed in 1912. The Church was removed in 2010.
In 1960, the Parish Hall was added to the church. The hall and kitchen serve a useful purpose to the Anglican Church. It was also been used by the community as a hall and has provided Sunday School accommodation.
Treherne United Church
Located on Boyne Street, in Treherne has been designated a "heritage building" and has been restored to its original look.
The congregation meets every Sunday morning.
The Children's Choir (ages 2-7) and the Junior Choir (Grade 3 to Sr.4) sing alternately with the Senior Choir.
Sunday School meets during the service each week. A new hearing enhancement system has recently been installed and welcomed by several members. Everyone welcome.
Arbroath Church
The church was started early in the eighteen ninety's. It was held in the homes until the school was built. Church was held in the school with the minister coming from the Presbyterian charge at Rathwell.
In 1910, after the new school was built the old school was bought as a church. They added a kitchen at the back of it and purchased an organ.
It was a Presbyterian Church but all denominations were welcome and all helped in any possible way. About the year 1919, the church was closed. The Indianford Church took over the congregation during the 1940's and 50's.
The Methodist Church
The first Methodist Church circuit was called the Cypress River Mission. The written record begins with the following entry in the Treherne Circuit register-- "On recommendation of the quarterly Board of the Cypress Mission and also of the Morden district at its May meeting, the stationary committee of the Manitoba and North West conference at its meeting in 1888, divided the Cypress River Mission, and the three eastern appointments of Treherne, Holland and Louise were formed into a new mission called Treherne.
The first meeting of the new quarterly Board was held the first Sunday in August 1888, at Holland. Rev. Robert C. Manly was placed in charge of the new circuit by conference.
In June 1893, the circuit was again divided and Holland was separated from Treherne.
The church is 46 feet by 26 feet. Internally presented a most pleasing and cozy appearance, reflecting great credit on all concerned in its construction and furnishing. The walls are of rough plaster blocked off as imitation stone. The ceiling is paneled with pine; the furnishings are in natural color. The aisles are carpeted with natural color coca matting, the platform, pulpit and carpet were given by Mrs. Timothy Eaton of Toronto. Three pulpit chairs were donated by Mr. J. K. Mclennan.
On December 26, 1892, the first wedding took place in this new church, Miss Fanney Mather married Franklin House. They received a Bible.
The last service in the Methodist Church was held in June, 1923. Rev. T. B. Wilson conducted the service. That evening was filled with members who were looking forward to continued service in a strong United Church.
The Presbyterian Church
The first Presbyterian service was held in the early 1880's at the home of Mr. W. T. Smith on the east side of the Boyne on the section line. Mr. James Lang conducted services.
In 1885, the Rev. A. D.Haig organized the Chalmers congregation; and the same year Mr. Hugh McKellar ordained Mr. James Robertson elder. In the Presbyterian Church elders were ordained.
In the fall of 1887, the first church was erected. The church was dedicated in 1888 by Dr. James Robertson of Winnipeg and Superintendent of Missions, Mr. James Lang was in charge.
In the fall of 1890, Rev. Hugh Fraser was called and inducted. He was the first resident minister and that year a manse was built on the banks of the Boyne.
A new church was built in 1907 and was completed and dedicated on Sunday, July 19, 1908 and the Chalmers Presbyterian Church. The ceiling was finished in red cedar, the fir walls of white plaster, finished with red burlap wainscot. The pews where made out of oak and ash, the pulpit and the chairs out of solid oak. The seating capacity is for 220 and 100 in the alcove.
As the church moved towards union with the Methodist Church there were several inter-changing services, strengthening their hopes for wider service in the church.
Rathwell Catholic Church
Located on Garrick Street in Rathwell, Manitoba.